
  • Core Belief Differences

    • While they believe in the LifeBlood and align with the broader Adepti order, their primary focus is on Nature. They hold that the natural order will always prevail and that nature provides abundantly. They recognize there is a right and wrong way to take from nature, believing that one must always give back when taking. Their deities are called the GreenBlood, though they pray to Nature as a whole, calling it GreenBlood instead of simply "nature."

  • Unique Practices & Rituals:

    • Daily Life

      • Every Forester has a companion that they care for deeply. Each morning, they pray to their companion and ensure it is well-fed and looked after.

      • When they eat, they also offer prayers to GreenBlood.

  • Hierarchy & Leadership:

    • The Lord of the Foresters wields immense power, possessing profound control over the GreenBlood and knowing how to protect and coexist. Chosen by the Council of Blood, a new Lord is elected whenever one dies. This position is held for life.

  • Special Symbols & Attire:

    • Symbols

      • All Foresters wear a wrist guard on their right forearm featuring the Forester emblem. This symbol helps others identify their sect.

    • Dress/Appearance

      • When out in the system, they wear green robes adorned with leaves and dirt. Their attire is usually quite earthy and weathered, reflecting their close connection to nature.

  • Sacred Texts or Prophets:

    • The ancient text of Yurg Del Grey is housed in the Temple of Forest on Norquall Minor. Yurg Del Grey is the Jedi founder of the Forester Sect and an ancestor of Neyo Grey.

  • Rules & Codes of Conduct:

    • Each Forester must remain silent on their birthday, going the entire day without speaking. This tradition prevents greed and ensures the day isn’t focused on them. However, at the end of the day, they are treated to a surprise party to celebrate.

    • Each Forester must have tattoos, which can be religious or personal. When a Greenhorn becomes a Forester, they must receive their tattoo during the Fenduro, a ritual that marks their initiation into the sect.

  • Views on the Afterlife:

    • They share the same beliefs as the broader Adepti order. But, when a Forester dies, they place the body in a tree to return it to the GreenBlood.